Monday, February 25, 2008

Garden Containers, Flower Pots and Planters

There are many reasons for growing plants in garden
containers, flower pots and planters. An obvious one is if
you are growing exotic plants that can be placed outdoors
in summer in a location that suits each plant, and then
taken indoors or into a more shaded spot in the fall and
winter. They are also very convenient for people who live
in mobile homes.

People who rent their homes and tend to move around with
their job can grow their own plants that can move with
them.  Plants grown in garden containers are portable, and
to many people this is big advantage. Not only that, but
you arrange your garden as you please rather than the
plants being in fixed positions.  Using containers and
flower pots it is possible to plant a whole garden that can
be rearranged to suit the flowering patterns of the plants.

No more bare patches in spring due to some plants flowering
late, or in summer when the short-lived flowers die off
quicker than their longer lasting or hardier cousins.  You
can fill in the bare patches with new pots or planters, and
arrange the colors to suit your preference. You can
decorate your veranda or patio with the flowers that are in
season, and are not restricted to the same ones all year

While this all sounds like a very good reason for using
nothing but pots and planters, there are certain aspects
using them that have to be considered.  Potted plants are
totally depended on you for their water and nutrition.
Their root growth is restricted and you have to know which
plants are suitable for this type of environment. You
should also consider the overall look of your garden and
the shape and color of your pots and planters.

First the plants.  Pots are restrictive and the size will
depend on the requirements of the plants.  Ferns, for
example, grow better when the root system is crowded
whereas roses prefer a bit more space in which to grow,
especially climbing varieties.  Cyclamens too prefer more
space, and so would be more suited to large pots or
planters.  Trees prefer large pots, and the larger garden
tubs would be more appropriate for the larger varieties.

The same is true of shrubs and larger perennials such as
hydrangeas. You can start these off in smaller pots, and
gradually increases the size as they grow.  Bulbs can be
grown in planters, about two to three bulb widths apart,
though the fall bulbs will need some exposure to the frost
since they need a low temperature for a strong root growth.

Annuals are ideal for color, especially if you get a lot of
frost in the winter, and they can be replaced each year.
If you plant them fairly close together in garden
containers or planters, you can design a lovely looking
garden, or a fine display for a patio. Planters are
available in a wide range of colors and shapes, and can be
made of concrete cast into a variety of shapes or stained
or painted wood to suit their surroundings.

Hardwood planters fitted with a trellis are ideal for
climbers, and can be free standing units suitable for
outdoor use, or even for hallways, vestibules and
conservatories. Cedar is popular, but so also are cypress,
oak and cherry.  They are suitable for a number of climbing
plants from sweet peas to cyclamen to passion fruit.

Most annuals are suitable for garden containers, pots and
planters, some particularly attractive choices being
petunia, tobacco plant (nicotiana) with its wonderful
smell, and begonias.  The latter two are particularly
suitable for growing in shaded areas, as is impatiens or
‘Busy Lizzie’.  Other flowers suitable for
containers are lavandula, gaura and salvia which provide
colorful opportunities for any type of garden design.
Cigar Plants (cuphea) love lots of sun and have unusual
flowers. These shrubs are ideal for tubs in sunny climates.

Many people use containers for window ledges and balconies,
and if you have decking, then deck rail planters are an
attractive means of hanging plants from the handrails. Many
people prefer the look of natural terracotta, but keep in
mind that earthenware pots and planters dry out very
quickly, and so need a lot of watering.  The plastic
equivalents are much more practical, if not as attractive.

Garden containers, flower pots and planters are an
attractive and very practical way of decorating your
garden, patio or conservatory, and a little bit of
imagination can work wonders.  They also provide a very
practical means of planting for those that like to
frequently rearrange their garden, or are often on the move.

Want to find that pefect Garden Container, Planter or Pot
for your garden  then visit .
Where you will find a full range of containers, hanging
baskets and planter boxes in our Garden Containers Planters
and Pots department.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Affordably Landscape Your Home

Many homeowners would love to have a nicely landscaped
yard; however, it is not very affordable to hire a
professional.  If you happen to be someone that falls into
this category you should look at this as a great
opportunity for a project you can appreciate every day.
The internet provides a vast amount of information and
ideas to assist you in customizing the new look for your

Building a budget for yourself is often the first step if
you plan on completing the project yourself.  Although it
is much cheaper, it can still cost quite a bit based on
your needs.  Next you will want to plan your layout.  Make
sure you think this through well before your plan is
finalized.  You can include things such as a garden, pond,
brick pavement, bridge, deck or patio.

You will definitely want to include flowers in your
landscape.  When choosing your plants you will need to know
what portion of your yard is shaded and what is not.  Of
course, shaded areas will need flowers that require little
sun to exist.  You will be able to find all of this
information on each plant at your local flower nursery.
Always remember to put a risen soil base in your flower
beds.  To keep things low maintenance, it does help to have
a wood chip or rock topped bed.

Large garden rocks also will also give your yard a very
natural feel.   Based on what direction you are going with
your yard, many retailers also sell imitation rocks that
have speakers inside for outdoor music.  This combines a
natural look with modern technology.  It can be very
elegant to play natural sounds through them during a
backyard outing.

Adding water to the landscape provides a relaxing feeling
and sound.  Water brings a natural touch to any surrounding
and is sure to impress anyone.  Ponds and waterfalls can
often require more upkeep but they are a great addition if
you use your yard often.

Another great way to improve your landscape is using a
bridge.  These can provide the ability to walk across your
pond or connect two walk ways.  Most people don't realize
that a bridge can be purchased online for a very reasonable
price and adds excellent structure to a nicely landscaped
yard.  If you can fit a bridge into your budget and plans I
definitely recommend it.

Be sure to respect your yards openness with your new
additions.  A back yard is meant to have a large amount of
open space for any activities that may arise.

Customize a landscape bridge for your yard at . Article written and
distributed by Steve Cancel, IT Manager of Secure Link - .

Monday, February 11, 2008

Create a Haven for Butterflies

Whatever the reason most people enjoy seeing butterflies in
their gardens and would welcome more.The good news is that
it is not that difficult to add the essential ingredients
that attract lots of these beautiful creatures, and keep
them happy once they have turned up.

It is worth saying that a garden that works for butterflies
is perfect for other creatures too.Like the canary down the
mine, the presence of lots of butterflies is often an
indicator of a healthy environment. Butterfly lifecycle

Every infant school pupil knows caterpillars turn into
butterflies (and moths).But most of us are often less clued
up about the details of the butterfly lifecycles.In the
late summer months buddleias and other flowering plants are
alive with the flutter of butterflies, but within a few
weeks the majority though not all will die as winter

Others like the small tortoiseshells and red admirals, look
for a quiet dry hideaway and prepare to sleep until
spring.When warmer weather arrives they find a mate and the
female lays eggs that hatch out as the years first brood of
caterpillars.Once those caterpillars have eaten their
fill, they go through the transformation from chrysalis
stage to winged adulthood.

Some species lay a last brood of eggs in autumn which then
remain unhatched until spring.A few others survive the cold
months tucked away in chrysalis.If you are setting out to
make your garden more butterfly friendly, it is worth
thinking about different strategies for winter survival.

Obviously you need to provide flowers for adult butterflies
in summer and early autumn, but just as important is some
sort of shelter during winter and somewhere for
caterpillars to live. Now for something sweet to eat

The main priority is definitely nectar, Butterflies will
visit any garden if it has the right mix of plants.Pick a
selection from the list below.

* Flowering March to May Aubretia, Alyssum, Sweet rocket
and Forget-me-not.

* Flowering June and July Buddleia, Red Valerian and Pot

* Flowering August to October Buddleia, Candytuft, Sweet
William, Sedum spectabile and Michaelmas daisy.

Where you position the nectar plants can make all the
difference.Butterflies are very sensitive to heat loss and
will avoid chilly winds, so a south facing border that
catches the sun but is protected from breezes is a certain

To get the maximum value from what you plant, it is best to
put flowers together in blocks rather than scattering
individual varieties here and there.This is because as
butterflies move around an area they are more likely to
spot blocks of the colours they are searching for.
Somewhere to lay eggs

The best butterfly garden needs to be more than a nectar
cafe.It should also provide somewhere for females to lay
their eggs and for young caterpillars to feed.Watch a
female butterfly looking for the right foliage to lay her
eggs on and you will see her briefly taste each leaf.She is
very choosy as most caterpillars will eat only the leaves
of one or two plant species.

This means that if you allocate some space to growing the
right plants you will probably end up growing beautiful
butterflies too.

Also it is worth finding some space for some plants
caterpillars love to eat.EG:the caterpillar of the orange
tip will eat honesty, while the brimstone's caterpillar
likes buckthorn leaves and the comma enjoys munching
hops.The favorite caterpillar food of the peacocks, red
admirals and tortoiseshells is the stinging nettle. Provide
a shelter

Lastly but not least caterpillars and butterflies need
shelter during the winter, it is a matter of life or
death.This doesn't mean you need to buy the "butterfly
homes" you sometime see in garden centres, the best tactic
is to be a little more relaxed about your end of year
garden clear up.

When we clear dead flower heads from borders in autumn we
often destroy chrysalises.While over grown hedges and
climbers are typically the places adult butterflies pick to
hibernate so leave the tidying up until spring.

Butterflies will visit any garden if it has the right mix
of plants visit and our
garden perennials department to find those plants.


Monday, February 04, 2008

Landscape Like A Professional

Landscaping your home or condominium can bring endless
happiness to you, your family and your neighbors.  It will
also add value and respect to your home and neighborhood.
With proper planning it is not as difficult to achieve
quality results with even a small budget.  Based on you
budget this article will detail some interesting ideas that
suit your needs and wants.

First you will want to design your landscaping area.
Consider the following major items such as a deck, patio,
pond, garden, pool, brick pavement, picnic table, and
trees.  You will first want to place these around the given
area prior to placing smaller items.

Unless you are a professional, consider having one install
your deck, pool or brick pavement for you.  These tasks can
often seem easily from generally looking at the
construction but it takes someone with experience to
complete the project right.  Many services will offer
several different designs or even allow you to customize
your layout.  Do research to make sure you are happy with
your investment.

The best way to compliment an in ground pool, pond, or
garden is a with a redwood bridge.   These bridges can be
custom built to your specs and are completely fish safe.
These bridges will definitely wow your guests and are made
to last.  They age beautifully with weathering or can be
stained based on your setting.  A waterfall is also a
common addition that is not only very pleasant to view but
also provides the soothing sound of water clashing within

Professional landscapers have many so called "tricks of the
trade".  Below is a good list to follow when planning your

1.  Place tall trees in the back of your yard and smaller
trees in the front.  This increases your yards depth to the
human eye.

2.  Grow smaller shrubs under windows to prevent blockage
and minimal maintenance.

3.  If planting near your foundation, make sure you leave
enough room for plants to equally root on all sides.

4.  Planting trees on the side slightly in behind the front
of your house will make your house appear larger.

Although landscaping can be very rewarding, always remember
that your work is never finished.  It is very common for
the weather to adjust yearly and the amount of sunlight
your plants get can also change.  Your initial plan is
nothing more than a blueprint to build on year after year.

Be sure to purchase your bridge at Redwood Garden Bridges - . Article written and
distributed by Steve Cancel, IT Manager of Michigan
Computer Repair - .