Tuesday, August 03, 2004

From Heirloom Gardens to Common Bloopers

Here is my latest roundup of recent news items that caught my eye.

I found the piece on Heirloom Gardens interesting in that it discusses the old traditional plant varieties as opposed to the modern tendency to produce new hybrid plants every year.

Gardening for Three Seasons tells how a San Francisco couple have created a garden that requires minimal watering by growing Mediterranean plants.

Then there are two Question and Answer sessions both of which cover useful topics. If you want to know when you should prune your gardenias or have a problem with your calla lilies this one is for you. Who put the crape in crape myrtle? This is just one of the issues raised in a "potpourri of neighborly advice, seasonal reminders, gardening events and whimsy".

In Common Bloopers you will find some down to earth advice on how to treat your soil among other topics.

Finally don't forget to visit The Garden Supplies Advisor to check out the latest articles.