The Tremendous Benefits of Organic Gardening
The art of organic gardening is simply growing food in an
environmentally and health friendly manner. Because an
organic garden is produce without the use of pesticides and
commercial fertilizers you are not only providing yourself
and your family with healthy foods, you are also helping
the air, water, and soil within our environment.
Organic gardening carries many benefits that you may not be
aware of. This article will help you identify the benefits
of an organic garden and determine whether organic is the
way for you to go.
When you produce organic foods, you are producing all
natural, safe, and much healthier foods. These foods will
have a greater amount of nutrients and minerals within them
than those grown with the help of commercial products. You
are reducing your family's risk of ingesting harmful
additives and pesticides, and increasing their nutrition at
the same time.
Let us have a look at some of the other health benefits of
organic gardening. One important benefit that research has
discovered in organic foods is the fact that by eating
foods grown organically, you are building your body's
immune system, thus giving it the ability to fight of many
different types of diseases, one of which is cancer.
Organic vegetables have been proven to contain a higher
concentration of nutrients. A team from Rutgers University
did a study comparing produce from a grocery store and the
same items grown organically.
While the Rutgers team expected the organic food to show a
slight increase in minerals compared to the non-organic,
they were astounded by the results of the tests. The
organic produce contained much greater amounts of essential
minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Non-organic spinach had only three percent of the iron
contained in organic spinach. Non-organic tomatoes had only
a tiny fraction of one percent of the iron found in organic
tomatoes. What was more surprising was that many essential
elements were completely missing from the non-organic
Not only are organic foods higher in vitamins and minerals
but they also lack the harmful chemicals found in
non-organic foods. Thanks to the lack of chemicals within
organic foods, you are reducing the amounts of toxins such
as fertilizers, hormones, and pesticides in your body.
Furthermore, while reducing the harmful instances, you are
increasing the amounts of healthy minerals within your body
such as vitamins, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron.
Another great benefit of organic gardening is that the
foods you produce will have a longer shelf life and taste a
whole lot better. Research has shown that without additives
and other such elements, organic foods can be stored better
and longer than foods with chemicals and processes.
Furthermore, without the chemical additives, the foods from
your organic garden will simply have a better taste, which
is delicious. The taste of a fresh, organic tomato is far
superior to a tomato bought at the local grocery store
which was probably pulled from the vine weeks earlier when
it was still a bit green.
These are some of the great benefits to growing your own
organic produce. There is also the benefit you get from
working in your garden, out in the sunshine and fresh air,
reducing any stress from a day at the office. Organic is
simply better for your overall health.
Carol Stack enjoys writing articles. She lives with her
husband, children, four dogs and seven cats in the United
States. Find more tips about organic gardening by visiting
Carol's gardening site at
The art of organic gardening is simply growing food in an
environmentally and health friendly manner. Because an
organic garden is produce without the use of pesticides and
commercial fertilizers you are not only providing yourself
and your family with healthy foods, you are also helping
the air, water, and soil within our environment.
Organic gardening carries many benefits that you may not be
aware of. This article will help you identify the benefits
of an organic garden and determine whether organic is the
way for you to go.
When you produce organic foods, you are producing all
natural, safe, and much healthier foods. These foods will
have a greater amount of nutrients and minerals within them
than those grown with the help of commercial products. You
are reducing your family's risk of ingesting harmful
additives and pesticides, and increasing their nutrition at
the same time.
Let us have a look at some of the other health benefits of
organic gardening. One important benefit that research has
discovered in organic foods is the fact that by eating
foods grown organically, you are building your body's
immune system, thus giving it the ability to fight of many
different types of diseases, one of which is cancer.
Organic vegetables have been proven to contain a higher
concentration of nutrients. A team from Rutgers University
did a study comparing produce from a grocery store and the
same items grown organically.
While the Rutgers team expected the organic food to show a
slight increase in minerals compared to the non-organic,
they were astounded by the results of the tests. The
organic produce contained much greater amounts of essential
minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Non-organic spinach had only three percent of the iron
contained in organic spinach. Non-organic tomatoes had only
a tiny fraction of one percent of the iron found in organic
tomatoes. What was more surprising was that many essential
elements were completely missing from the non-organic
Not only are organic foods higher in vitamins and minerals
but they also lack the harmful chemicals found in
non-organic foods. Thanks to the lack of chemicals within
organic foods, you are reducing the amounts of toxins such
as fertilizers, hormones, and pesticides in your body.
Furthermore, while reducing the harmful instances, you are
increasing the amounts of healthy minerals within your body
such as vitamins, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron.
Another great benefit of organic gardening is that the
foods you produce will have a longer shelf life and taste a
whole lot better. Research has shown that without additives
and other such elements, organic foods can be stored better
and longer than foods with chemicals and processes.
Furthermore, without the chemical additives, the foods from
your organic garden will simply have a better taste, which
is delicious. The taste of a fresh, organic tomato is far
superior to a tomato bought at the local grocery store
which was probably pulled from the vine weeks earlier when
it was still a bit green.
These are some of the great benefits to growing your own
organic produce. There is also the benefit you get from
working in your garden, out in the sunshine and fresh air,
reducing any stress from a day at the office. Organic is
simply better for your overall health.
Carol Stack enjoys writing articles. She lives with her
husband, children, four dogs and seven cats in the United
States. Find more tips about organic gardening by visiting
Carol's gardening site at