Friday, January 26, 2007

How Do Hydroponic Gardening Systems Work?

How Do Hydroponic Gardening Systems Work?
The idea of hydroponic gardening (gardening without soil),
has been around since the time of King Solomon. There are a
few advantages with hydroponic gardening over traditional
gardening -for example the rate of growth of a hydroponic
plant can be up to 50% faster than a soil plant grown under
the same conditions.

And the yield of the plant is also greater!

The reason for this is that the plants get their nutrition
fed directly into their roots from nutrient rich water.
Since this water is so high in nutrient content, the plant
does not need large roots to search for nutrition.  And
since the plant expends less energy in growing roots it has
more energy available to be productive above the rootline!
Hydroponically grown vegetables are healthy, vigorous, and
consistently reliable. This form of gardening is clean and
extremely easy, and it requires very little effort.

Hydroponic gardening is also beneficial to the environment.
For example hydroponic gardening uses considerably less
water than soil gardening because of the constant reuse of
the nutrient solutions. And also, fewer pesticides are
necessary in hydroponic crops -they are not as necessary.
And topsoil erosion is not even an issue since hydroponic
gardening systems use no topsoil.

How exactly does a hydroponically grown plant get its
nutrition -nutrition it normally gets from the soil? Well,
these nutrients come in liquid or powdered mixes and can be
purchased at a hydroponic supply store.  And like soil,
hydroponic systems can be fertilized with organic or
chemical nutrients. But you should know that an organic
hydroponic system can be considerably more work to maintain
since the organic compounds have a tendency clump.

Hydroponic systems are normally categorized as passive or
active. An active hydroponic system moves the nutrient
solution with a pump. A passive hydroponic system relies on
the capillary action of the growing medium or a wick.

In a passive system the nutrient rich solution is absorbed
by the medium or the wick and passed along to the plant's
roots. But a downside with this method is that they are
usually too wet and do not supply enough oxygen to the root
system for the best growth rates.

Hydroponic systems are also characterized as recovery or
non-recovery. In recovery systems, the nutrient solution is
re-circulated for reuse.  In a non-recovery system however,
the nutrient solution is not recovered.

You may be unsure of whether to buy or build a hydroponic
system. If you have an 'engineering mind' and want to build
one, consider buying one first just to get familiar with
the inner workings.  Buy a system which does not cost a lot
of money.  It will give you a better understanding of how
hydroponics works and the hands-on experience can be worth
the cost of the system as you will be able to reuse the
parts when you decide to build one.

Hydroponics gardening is a popular and growing hobby and
many are finding this to be fun, exciting, and easy to get

Author Tony Buel
Growing Hydroponics can be a fun and productive new way of
gardening for you. We have tips and resources to get you
started fast! Full Article on Hydroponic Gardening Systems: