The maxim "prevention is better than cure" applies
particularly to gardens
Increasingly gardeners are turning away from the chemical
control of problems recognising that to rely on chemicals,
EG. pesticides and fungicides can create more problems that
they cure.Helpful predators may be eradicated along with
the pests leading to an even worse problem.
You may be a gardener who has diligently sprayed your
garden against aphids for years, and wonder why one long
hot summer your garden is plagued with aphids while your
neighbour's unsprayed plot is aphid free.The reason is that
you have gradually wiped out the predators, who are now so
obligingly policing your neighbour's unsprayed garden.
Of course, the wider global issues of pollution and the
potential dangers from chemicals, as well as the matter of
slowly destroying the ecosystem within your own garden. Are
also a concern when thinking about how to tackle plant
Keeping problems in perspective
The first thing to consider before becoming hysterical
about pests and diseases, and automatically reaching for
the nearest chemical spray is to get matters into
perspective. Some pests may be unsightly but are actually
not as hazardous to a plant as other threats, such as
inclement weather.
In fact in general weather issues are a much bigger risk to
plant health than individual pests.Something worth bearing
in mind when you spot a single caterpillar perched on your
precious cabbages.
The second biggest plant enemy is bad gardening practice.
EG. overcrowding your plants leaves them prone to
infection, poor hygiene is another plant hazard.If you do
not remove diseased material and burn, deeply bury or
compost it well, you are inviting further plant troubles.
This gives you some idea of the responsibility you have as
a gardener.Your aim should be to maintain plant health,
rather than allow problems to occur and get out of
hand.Then curse the pests who are in fact way down in the
ranks of plant difficulties.
Minimising problems
Keeping your garden healthy by careful and consistent
adherence to gardening basics will go an enormous way
towards preventing pests and disease from overwhelming your
plants.With the huge variety of plants on offer, it makes
sense firstly to choose healthy looking specimens of
disease resistant strains and plant them appropriately.
A plant grown in the particular type of soil it needs and
where it can receive the amount of light it requires.Has
much more of a chance of surviving without problems than a
plant grown without respect for its natural demands.Take
car to provide the appropriate level of water, remembering
that too much can be just as injurious as too little.
Spacing is an important consideration, plants grown close
together will compete for nutrients and congested, humid
conditions will encourage fungal disease. Follow the
guidelines for optimum spacing that appear on individual
plant labels.
Garden hygiene is a factor often overlooked as being of
serious concern in preventing problems.After all muck is
muck at least visually.However it is all too easy to
transfer disease through poor garden hygiene,EG. by
planting in uncleaned pots which may carry disease spores,
or by propagating using a knife that has not been
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for your planting arrangements then visit .
Also while your there why not checkout our full range of
plants and seeds.
particularly to gardens
Increasingly gardeners are turning away from the chemical
control of problems recognising that to rely on chemicals,
EG. pesticides and fungicides can create more problems that
they cure.Helpful predators may be eradicated along with
the pests leading to an even worse problem.
You may be a gardener who has diligently sprayed your
garden against aphids for years, and wonder why one long
hot summer your garden is plagued with aphids while your
neighbour's unsprayed plot is aphid free.The reason is that
you have gradually wiped out the predators, who are now so
obligingly policing your neighbour's unsprayed garden.
Of course, the wider global issues of pollution and the
potential dangers from chemicals, as well as the matter of
slowly destroying the ecosystem within your own garden. Are
also a concern when thinking about how to tackle plant
Keeping problems in perspective
The first thing to consider before becoming hysterical
about pests and diseases, and automatically reaching for
the nearest chemical spray is to get matters into
perspective. Some pests may be unsightly but are actually
not as hazardous to a plant as other threats, such as
inclement weather.
In fact in general weather issues are a much bigger risk to
plant health than individual pests.Something worth bearing
in mind when you spot a single caterpillar perched on your
precious cabbages.
The second biggest plant enemy is bad gardening practice.
EG. overcrowding your plants leaves them prone to
infection, poor hygiene is another plant hazard.If you do
not remove diseased material and burn, deeply bury or
compost it well, you are inviting further plant troubles.
This gives you some idea of the responsibility you have as
a gardener.Your aim should be to maintain plant health,
rather than allow problems to occur and get out of
hand.Then curse the pests who are in fact way down in the
ranks of plant difficulties.
Minimising problems
Keeping your garden healthy by careful and consistent
adherence to gardening basics will go an enormous way
towards preventing pests and disease from overwhelming your
plants.With the huge variety of plants on offer, it makes
sense firstly to choose healthy looking specimens of
disease resistant strains and plant them appropriately.
A plant grown in the particular type of soil it needs and
where it can receive the amount of light it requires.Has
much more of a chance of surviving without problems than a
plant grown without respect for its natural demands.Take
car to provide the appropriate level of water, remembering
that too much can be just as injurious as too little.
Spacing is an important consideration, plants grown close
together will compete for nutrients and congested, humid
conditions will encourage fungal disease. Follow the
guidelines for optimum spacing that appear on individual
plant labels.
Garden hygiene is a factor often overlooked as being of
serious concern in preventing problems.After all muck is
muck at least visually.However it is all too easy to
transfer disease through poor garden hygiene,EG. by
planting in uncleaned pots which may carry disease spores,
or by propagating using a knife that has not been
Want to find that perfect Garden Container Planter or Pot
for your planting arrangements then visit .
Also while your there why not checkout our full range of
plants and seeds.