Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An Overview of the Art of Bonsai

Bonsai, the artistic representation of a natural tree,
first appeared in China over a thousand years ago on a very
basic scale known as "pun-sai". The Japanese have been
recorded to adopt and refine the art to an extent not yet
approached in China. The Japanese today regard bonsai as a
symbol of their culture and ideals.

On its arrival in the western world, the art of bonsai has
been warmly welcomed and embraced as a rewarding past time
or hobby. It is said to allow a greater understanding and
being with nature in addition to enhancing our gardens.

The five basic bonsai styles are formal upright, informal
upright, slanting (or windswept), semi-cascade and cascade.
All have their own individual beauty and serenity.

A tree with a style such as formal upright occurs when it
has grown in the open under perfect conditions. The most
important requirement for this style is that the trunk
should be perfectly straight, tapering naturally and evenly
from base to apex. The branches should be symmetrically
spaced so that they are balanced when viewed from any
direction. It is quite a demanding style to achieve.
Junipers, pines, and spruces are great to try and grow in
the formal upright style.

In an informal upright bonsai the trunk should slightly
bend to the right or left - but never towards the viewer.
This applies to all types of bonsai. Neither the trunk nor
branches should be pointing towards the viewer when the
bonsai is viewed from the front. For this style, try a
Japanese maple, Trident maple, or almost any conifer and
ornamental tree.

Trees that slant naturally occur as a result of buff
setting winds or deep shade during early development.
Whether curved or straight, the whole trunk leans at a
definite angle. The stronger roots grow out on the side,
away from the angle of the trunk lean, to support the
weight. Almost any type of tree will work well with this

The growing tip of a cascade bonsai reaches below the base
of a container. The trunk has a natural taper and gives the
impression of the forces of nature pulling against the
forces of gravity. Branches appear to be seeking the light.
The winding main trunk is reminiscent of a stream
meandering down the side of a mountain. There are many
types of trees that can be used to achieve a cascading
bonsai. The key here is to make sure the tree isn't
naturally straight and upright.

The tip of a semi-cascade, like the cascade, projects over
the rim of the container, but does not drop below its base.
The style occurs in nature when trees grow on cliffs or
overhang water. The angle of the trunk in this bonsai is
not precise, as long as the effect is strongly horizontal,
even if the plant grows well below the level of the pot
rim. Any exposed roots should balance the trunk. Flowering
cherry trees, cedars, and junipers work very well in this
style of bonsai. Many people feel this style of bonsai is
the epitome of beauty in the art.

It is important for you to remember, as a beginner, that no
single bonsai style is the "right" style. More than
anything else you should not try to train a bonsai to grow
in a style it is not accustomed to. Study the natural
growth patterns of the tree you are going to grow and
enhance on the pattern nature gave it.

Patrick Carpen is the designer, writer and owner of the
He is an internet entrepreneur who helps the average user
better understand the workings of internet in addition to
providing high quality content on selected topics