Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Garden gnomes fighting for votes

A new set of garden gnomes has just burst on to the scene. Timed to coincide with the fortcoming general election in the UK, three new characters have been produced in a limited edition for a local TV station. The gnomes are disguised as the three party leaders sporting rosettes and acting out their policies.

"There is a gnome for every political persuasion. The exquisite Tony Blair model is digging around for non-existent weapons of mass destruction," a statement said.

"For those with an influx of snails and other garden beasties there is the scary Michael Howard gnome holding a "Keep Out" sign and for the more relaxed, there's a charming carrot-topped fellow sitting on a fence supping from a glass of ginger beer."

If you fancy one for your garden, you will have a fight on your hands because there are just ten sets which are to be offered in an online competition organised by the digital television gardening channel, UKTV Style Gardens, who released the models.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Garden gnomes in trouble again

Garden gnomes are in the news again. Police in Lyon reported recently that about 100 garden gnomes were "liberated" from front gardens in the French city and placed in a park next to a motorway. "They were all standing there with their faces to the motorway, watching the traffic speed past," a police statement said.

It is not known who took the diminutive figures, but when an arrest is made, they will need a good criminal lawyer.

"Owners can pick up their abducted gnomes from a police department office," the statement said.

No-one has claimed responsibility, but a "Garden Gnome Liberation Front" has been causing a nuisance for years in France with its pranks.